MONSTER MONTH: Day 25 – Hair of the Chinney Chin Chin Chin Chin…..

One night as I was watching television, I grabbed my sketchbook with a sudden burst of inspiration to draw this troll with chin after chin after chin. I don’t know why exactly. After all, Jay Leno wasn’t even on yet.

Whatever the reason, I liked how this freak of nature turned out. Hope you do, too. Oh, and don’t worry – this troll doesn’t live under bridges to scare you. He just hangs out there to practice his singing. You know, good acoustics and all.

Another fine example of the results of the public school system.
Another fine example of the results of the public school system.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 24 – Dandelion Dragon

No matter how big or small, or how young or old, who can resist the alluring siren call of the fuzzy dandelion? Not this dragon. Fuzzy dandelions MUST be blown to spread their seeds of joy so that others may one day have that opportunity to exercise their childlike wonder and whimsy. And also so that gardening shops can sell lots of weed killer.

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye from those floating seeds.
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye from those floating seeds.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 18 – I Scream You Scream…

…we ALL scream about how this monster got his ice cream!

Well, the Good Humor man has had better days than this. Lesson learned – don’t get in the way of a monster and his ice cream! Well, that and it’s probably a good idea to finish college so you can get a desk job.

By the way you kiddies - the ice cream man is just taking a nap in some melted strawberry ice cream. Shhhh. Don't wake him.
By the way you kiddies – the ice cream man is just taking a nap in some melted strawberry ice cream. Shhhh. Don’t wake him.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 17 – Goat Guy

Today’s monster comes in the form of a creepy, elderly, wizened goat guy. Anytime you see some squinty eyes and a Fu Manchu dangling from a dude’s chin, pay close attention to whatever comes out of his mouth. Those are sure outward signs that he is full of wisdom. And if he has a cool looking cane, also show some respect lest he rap you on the head with it.

You'd think with all that wisdom that he would have taken better care of his teeth.
You’d think with all that wisdom that he would have taken better care of his teeth.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 14 – The Hopeless Romantic

Underneath that tough shell lies the heart of the HOPELESS ROMANTIC. Hey, you’re nobody ’til somebody loves you, right? EVERYBODY loves somebody sometime. And hey, when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie – well, you know. (Apparently love is just a string of Dean Martin songs.)

SWD (single white dragon) seeks mate. Enjoys long walks through villagers, breathing fire, and wreaking havoc.
SWD (single white dragon) seeks mate. Enjoys long walks through villagers, breathing fire, and wreaking havoc.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 13 – The Noble Steed

Every brave creature that ever rode into battle in tales of the fantastic did so on the back of an even more brave creature known as the NOBLE STEED.

This beast of burden knows his duty is to selflessly carry his master into the storm of ferocity in order to achieve the goal for the greater good. He knows not of the political differences that brought them to this place of conflict. He knows only of the fact that his master has need of the steed’s unique abilities.

So, with blind devotion, he does what is required without any expectation of being written of fondly in the pages of history, er – fantasy.

All I can say is that since there are no other "troops" in flight with him, I hope that he is actually flying in the proper direction.
All I can say is that since there are no other “troops” in flight with him, I hope that he is actually flying in the proper direction.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 12 – Frankenstein’s Monster

What MONSTER MONTH could be complete without at least one inclusion of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster? Despite having deeply explored this character in my “Frankenlisa” painting from several months ago (CLICK HERE if you missed it!), once in awhile he keeps rearing his strange flat head amongst my sketches. Here’s a doodle of him created in ink right from the pages of my sketchbook!

Try as he may, Frankie just isn't coordinated enough for "Thriller."
Try as he may, Frankie just isn’t coordinated enough for “Thriller.”

If you are a user of Facebook, come join the Chad Frye • Illustration Guy fan page where today I have unveiled a new contest open only to registered fans there! The contest is completely free with the prize to win a signed and sketched on print along with a copy of one of my children’s books! So come on over and join in the fun!

MONSTER MONTH: Day 11 – The Happy Dragon

Today’s monster-of-the-day isn’t really too monstrous. He’s actually a bit more happy-go-lucky. Of course, if he were a real dragon approaching me, I’d probably run in terror despite all he probably would really want is a hug. Hope you enjoy this little fella as much as I did drawing him!

If Bob Ross drew this, he might call it "a happy little dragon".
If Bob Ross drew this, he might call it “a happy little dragon”.

More MONSTERS yet to come! Come visit again tomorrow!