Would you like to see a typical page from my sketchbook? Not everything is great that goes into it because this is where you need to work out the bad drawings. So, some pages are just a real mess to try to look at, but this is one that is worth sharing. It still isn’t full of the greatest ideas, or the best draftsmanship, but it helps lead to those kind of drawings. It works out nicely that this page just happened to be full of monsters.

If you love drawing, by all means, get yourself a sketchbook and keep it handy at all times. I often use my sketchbook to experiment, to practice drawing, to figure out new ways to do things, and even to work out early concepts of things I wish to illustrate. I have made it a habit to travel with a sketchbook so that it is handy to do all of the above, plus it helps kill time while on the road. These sketches were created while traveling through Israel this summer!