The Return of MONSTER MONTH!

It’s bAaaaack….


Monster Month 2013

For those of you who follow my blog, you know that I LOVE creating silly creatures that go bump in the night, especially during the month of October. Last year I was knee deep in working on a new television show to make it on air by the fall which resulted in the lamentable omission of Monster Month on my blog. Things continue to be very busy for me working on the second season of that show on top of other animation and print projects all at the same time, but I have managed to cull together some monster sketches and doodles for a slightly trimmed down Monster Month.

Beginning TOMORROW on October 1st, new monsters will begin to make their appearance here. While they won’t be one-a-day as in years past, I promise that they will be full of fun, fangs, and frightenings (not necessarily in that order).

So, please visit several times a week (if you dare) to see what is new during MONSTER MONTH!!!


Art: Inking Monsters