In light of this being the Easter/Passover week, it seemed like the most appropriate time to break out some of my Bible drawings that deal with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that took place this very week almost 2000 years ago.
A few years ago my church decided to take on the task of creating a professional looking Sunday school curriculum which they called Generations of Grace. Over the course of five years, three years’ worth of Sunday lessons were written by a team of theologians, and in a coloring book style, I drew most of the art used. The curriculum was planned so that all the elementary aged kids in a church will learn the same lesson on the same day at their own grade level. That way if you have several kids, all your children will learn the same thing that day. It has worked out pretty well, and from what I understand, it is being used in churches all over the country, and even in some international locations.
Since last Sunday is widely referred to as “Palm Sunday” by Christians, today I’ll post a drawing of Christ entering Jerusalem on a donkey (as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9) for the observance of Passover as accounted in Matthew 21.

The priests and Pharisees, seeing Jesus as a threat to their traditions, already had it out for Him (Matt. 21:15). Christ had become accepted among the people of Israel as word of His miracles (recently raising Lazarus from the dead being one of renown) had spread. The city was crowded as it was the week of Passover. As John 12:13 states, the people “took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him, and cried, ‘Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.'”
The Israelites wanted Jesus to be their earthly king, but He had come as the Messiah to deliver them from their own wickedness which held no interest for them. Later that week, when they realized He was not delivering them from Rome, their mood turned….
2 replies on “The Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Part 1”
our church kids will be coloring this picture this month 🙂
Awesome! Hope it’s okay that we printed your picture off and the kids are happily coloring their own Chad Frye. 😉