Welcome back to the blog! Where’ve you been?
I know, I know. It’s ME – not you. I have been unavailable to post images here for the past month due to being out of town without a scanner. But it doesn’t mean that I’ve been sitting on my thumbs. In fact, the pages of my sketchbook have been filling up with muses and musings while on the road – well, I mean that metaphorically. Some were drawn while in the air.
That being the case, I thought I’d start with a selection of sketches of people drawn in airports. While waiting for flights, some people read, some work on computers, others just sit there washing out reality with earphones. Me? I embrace the world around me by documenting it in my sketchbook. Where else (besides jury duty) can you find a real cross section of humanity than in an airport? People are coming and going from all corners of the earth carrying with them their customs, their costumes, and their quirks. I love it.
So enjoy these airport doodles. Some were drawn in Los Angeles, some in Dallas, and even more in Virginia. All total, I was in five different airports in awe of the diversity of society.

I thought this lady was interesting. Her chin seemed to stick out like her belly.