Last year over on my Instagram page, I posted a photo of a couple of shelves in my kitchen of a variety of novelty coffee mugs, and it got a pretty good response. In taking stock, I realized that there are at least 70 mugs spread all over my home.
This isn’t an intentional collection, mind you. We all get a few mugs here and there, but the collection really started growing back during my college days when I began receiving cartoon mugs as gifts from my parents. I was into cartoon household goods like cookie jars, vases, and kitchen utensils, so my mother kept an eye out for unusual mugs when she went shopping.
When I entered the animation business, mugs became gifts for being on crews and for working at studios. As I would travel, sometimes mugs were purchased at tourist attractions, too. The collection just sort of grew, not once ever thinking that I was a mug collector. Guess what? Unwittingly, I kind of became one!
So, realizing that there are so many mugs all over the place here, and since my Instagram followers thought they were neat, it was decided to post a photo of a different mug each Monday over on Instagram. I call it MUG MONDAY.
Feel free to come follow me on Instagram where I’m known as ChadFrye_IllustrationGuy. (Click on that last sentence to be transported directly to the page!) I also post a lot of art over there, as well as photos related to my industry, so come join the fun!