These photos were taken one week ago today during the National Cartoonists Society’s (NCS) Reuben Awards weekend in San Diego, California. Many of the NCS members are not usually in front of the camera since most of us have a face for cartooning. WARNING: Cartoonists may not be as funny looking as you would expect them to be.
So, on Saturday, May 24, the convention festivities continued. There was a lovely buffet breakfast, followed by a business meeting, then four great seminars after lunch before the black tie Reuben Awards banquet in the evening! Read on to see what cartoonists do when they get together…
Despite a late night of socializing the previous day, bleary-eyed cartoonists wandered out of their rooms into a nice buffet breakfast. Seen here from front to back are Ralph Smith, comic book legend Russ Heath and his daughter, and “Hogan’s Alley” editor Tom Heintjes.“New Yorker” cartoonist Mort Gerberg and his wife Judith chatting at breakfast with Sergio & Charlene Aragonès.Despite the name tag, this is actually NCS President Tom Richmond (“MAD Magazine”) presiding over the super secret club business meeting. None of us can ever remember the secret handshake, though, so it took awhile before the meeting could start.Jeff Bacon (who organizes NCS trips with the USO to draw for the troops), Todd Clark (“Lola” comic strip), and illustrator Jerry Dowling.Bill Janocha, assistant to “Beetle Bailey’s” Mort Walker, is presenting a citation to Marine CPL McKelzey for the Marines’ involvement in the No Greater Love organization’s “Ring the Bells for Freedom” campaign this year.Lynn Johnston (“For Better Or For Worse”) caught in a bemused moment across the room.Matt Diffee (cartoonist for “The New Yorker”) contemplating the cartooning business at hand.Gag writer Helene Parsons backed by Suzy Spafford and Sergio Aragonès.The first seminar of the day was all about Rube Goldberg, the namesake of the Reuben Awards. On hand for the talk was Rube’s granddaughter Jennifer George, and Charles Kochman, editor of the recent Rube Goldberg art book published by Abrams.John McMeel (Andrews McMeel Publishing), Bill Hinds (“Tank McNamara”) and Dave Blazek (“Loose Parts”) riveted by the Q&A.“The Family Circus'” Jeff Keane just being Jeffy.David Folkman (“Hogan’s Alley” art director) with our second speaker of the afternoon, Sandra Bell-Lundy (“Between Friends” comic strip).Separated at birth, cartoonists Grey Blackwell and Jack Pittman.Patrick McDonnell (“Mutts”) with his wife Karen O’Connell.“Rhymes With Orange’s” Hilary Price.How many cartoonists does it take to make Powerpoint work? In this case, three: John Reiner (“The Lockhorns”), illustrator Adrian Sinnott, and John Lotshaw.The third speakers of the day were Bunny Hoest (seen here) and John Reiner of “The Lockhorns”.John Reiner followed Bunny by sharing with the audience examples of his skills at caricature.Animation character designer Stephen Silver with “MAD Magazine’s” Sam Viviano.Bill Holbrook in a rare state of rest after often laboring over three comic strips.Aaack! It’s Cathy Guisewite!The final speakers of the afternoon were moderator Mark Evanier who interviewed comic book legend Russ Heath.Sergio Aragonès and his famous mustache taking in the work of Russ Heath.Marie and Tom Stemmle from New Jersey.The great Stan Goldberg attended after he and his wife, Pauline, recovered over the winter from a terrible car accident. Stan commented after Russ Heath’s talk that as the colorist for Timely Comics back in the day, he hated obscuring Russ’ beautiful line work with colors.
Up next, photos from the black tie Reuben Awards gala!